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This Consumer Health Data Notice (“Notice”) supplements our Privacy Policy with certain information we are required to provide to residents of Washington and Nevada (“Covered Residents”) under the Washington State My Health My Data Act and the Nevada Consumer Health Data Privacy Bill, respectively, regarding our processing of certain health-related information.

If you submit a customer service request or complaint related to your health, or if you indicate via your account that you have certain dietary restrictions, you may provide us with certain information that identifies your health status, including but not limited to information about your health conditions, bodily functions, or symptoms (“health data”).

We collect and use your health data to respond to your request for customer support or address your complaint, to highlight online items that may conflict with your dietary preferences, or to establish, exercise, or defend a legal claim. We may also process health data for purposes allowed under applicable law, or with your consent or at your direction. For these purposes, we may share your health data with third-party service providers we use to process your health data on our behalf.

Subject to applicable law and certain exceptions, Covered Residents have the right to confirm whether we are processing your health data; access, delete, or correct your health data; or withdraw consent to the collection or sharing of your health data.

If you are a Covered Resident, you may request to exercise these rights by visiting “Your Privacy Choices” in the footer of our website. Please note, as permitted or required under applicable law, we take steps to verify your request before we can process your request. If we believe we need further information to verify your request, we may ask you to provide additional information to us.

In some cases, we may be unable to fulfill your request. If your rights request is denied and you are a Covered Resident, applicable law may give you a right to lodge an appeal with us. The response to your rights request will inform you of any appeal rights you may have and tell you how you can exercise them.

If we change this Notice, we will post the revised version here and change the last updated date (the date it applies from) and/or contact you directly where we deem appropriate to do so under applicable law. You should check here regularly for the most up-to-date version of the Notice. By continuing to use our services after we post an updated Notice, you accept that we will process your health data as set forth in the updated Notice.